Monday, November 1, 2010


One of the things we talked about in class the other day was what happens when you die. This subject (interestingly enough) was brought up again today in Physical Chemistry. Dr. Murphy brought up the fact that this is the hardest critical thinking question that we face today. We will never know because scientists that would die (quite literally) to get the answer can't come back and tell everyone their findings once they kick the bucket, and other scientists are too scared or just too fond of life to pursue the answer any further than just a hypothesis. One scientist made the statement that there is no life after death simply because any person that has experienced near-death and has testified to bright lights and tunnels has not died all of the way.

This reminded me of class on Thursday, and it got me to thinking. What DOES happen when we die? Being a Christian, of course I'm going to say that I await the Second Coming of Jesus and then I will be resurrected. But as we discussed in class resurrection is a reawakening of the BODY. So when we are resurrected what will happen to our bodies in terms of Heaven and Hell?? I've always thought of Heaven as a place where our soul goes...but now I just don't know.

This whole class has got me intrigued and at the same time very confused. Sayings like "Oh, they are in a better place now" just don't have an validity to them anymore, and I'm kind of dumbfounded that a saying I've heard since I was able to understand speech is now completely inaccurate. If I'm talking in circles or I just sound plain stupid let me know...otherwise someone shed some light on this whole death thing...

1 comment:

  1. Impossible. The beauty of the "death" question is that no one can accurately argue it. We don't know what happens until its too late to report our findings. Beliefs that we are united with Christ, sent to Hades, or reincarnated as butterflies are all just as justified as the next. Lame, huh?
